Thursday, July 14, 2011

props from Kige =)

Just want everyone to know that we got OFFICIAL props from Kige Ramsey himself!!! Check out his latest youtube video featuring TCBC!!

Thanks Kige!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

live and in person

If you are interested in hearing the story of how God has changed our lives and how He is working in the lives of the Songhai (and seeing lots more photos and videos) LIVE, in person - we will be sharing NEXT Sunday, July 17th at our home church...Trammell Creek Baptist Church at 11:00am CST. PLEASE join us if you can - we have lots to tell!!
If your church would like to have us - we are scheduling on Sunday nights. Give us a call at 270-565-5252 or email me at

Thursday, July 7, 2011


We are HOME!! After 28 straight hours of traveling all in the same day (yes, all in the same day - longest day EVER), we made it home this morning around 12:30am! And as much as I learned this week that God is STILL in the business of miracles, He showed Himself again yesterday as NONE of our flights were delayed and ALL of our luggage showed up!!! We were met at the Nashville airport by a slew of our parents, siblings and friends and a HUGE "Welcome Home" sign (thanks Gracie)!!
And although I am super excited to be sleeping in my own bed, playing with my children, walking barefoot in GRASS and eating mexican food for dinner, I somehow still long to be in Africa as well; I already miss my dear friend, Parker and her husband Mark. It's funny how God blesses you with friendships throughout your life; some for a short period of time and others, although few, meant to last a lifetime. Serving the Lord alongside one of my life-long friends these last 10 days was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Although we had not seen each other in almost 10 years, it was like nothing had changed. And we learned more than we will ever be able to recount from this humble couple who not only served the Songhai, but US all week!
Thank you Mark and Parker for your inspiration!! PLEASE follow their blog and pray for them daily as they continue to serve the Lord in Niger.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

our last day

Doug here....We are leaving on a jet plane and don’t know when we can post again! No really, our time here is officially done! A school and a clinic have been painted, the name of Jesus has been shared in a place where many had never heard of Him before, perspectives have been changed, faith has grown, understanding of God’s Word deepened…all in a week and a half.

Today started out with debriefing…which sounds totally boring. However, when you get to hear how God has worked in the lives of 12 young people (and two old ones) it could have gone on all day and I wouldn’t have minded one bit. I cannot stress enough how wonderful the missionaries here have been. While some of them have been friends to Kasey and me for a while, all the missionaries we came into contact with have been amazing. There are true heroes of the faith and our churches should point to them more often as examples than we do (just my opinion…but its right).

After that we enjoyed more of the Niger culture with some henna tattoos. They are part of the culture here for ladies only; however, some of our guys were a little jealous so they begged to get some too. The girls that did the tattoos laughed when they found out that men wanted them also, but did not refuse them. You will see them soon enough moms and dads. I know you are excited.
The highlight of the day was going to an American style restaurant. On the menu was PIZZA and ice cream (dairy has NOT been part of our diet the last 10 days)! We asked if we could bring our friends from the week; Ide, Bilo, Cephas, Biba, and Hama, and luck for us they could all make it. While we have been getting culture all week it was cool to see Bilo, Hama, and Ide eat their first pizzas! In one more reminder of how lucky we are, it was brought to our attention that Ide had NEVER eaten in a restaurant before. Let that sink in for a second. One of my prayers is that our work this week has had as much an impact on Ide and Bilo (both Muslim) as on the village of Tagabati.

I almost forgot, IT RAINED TODAY! I know there were some happy farmers in this area of Niger today. The rain came hard and fast and then we saw a temperature drop of quite a few degrees. I know its rainy season so its suppose to rain, but I have no doubt that it is an answer to prayer.
Its bed time because 2:30am is going to come fast. After this post, you won’t hear from us again until we are in New York. We will be in contact as soon as we can. If you get bored, pray for no delays because the Nashville airport closes and we don’t want to be stuck in NYC another night and NOT get home.
SEE you soon!
Our henna tatoos!
Don't worry mom's and dad's - they wash off in a week or so!!
All of us, Mark & Parker and their kids, the Saleeby's, Mark's parents, Emily & Erin (2 summer missionaries), Cephas and his wife Biba, Hama, Eday, and Billo!! What a great bunch!! It was the first time a few of the Africans that helped us this week had EVER eaten in a restaurant. Needless to say, there were a few tears shed after this "last supper" together!!
I didn't edit this picture, because I wanted you to see how dark it was!!!
I'm sure the people of Tagabati were celebrating tonight.

Monday, July 4, 2011

a few more photos

One of the hippos we say in the river.
Don't worry mom's and dad's - this was REALLY zoomed in!!
A bush taxi LOADED down with stuff.
And this is actually not even close to the tallest one we've seen this week.
My little scorpion friend who I thought was a piece of dust as I was cleaning baseboards today. But when he moved, I realized he was not something I wanted to touch!!
EVERYONE in the hot sun trying to finish the school!!!
What a hard working bunch!

dirty feet

Let me first say that this week, from the first time I set foot in the village of Tagabati, has given me a COMPLETELY new perspective on the life of Jesus. I must admit that before this week, I really did think I had quite a decent understanding of the Bible, especially the New Testament, but walking the "streets" of the village of Tagabati all week has somehow pulled wool from my eyes that I didn't even know was there.
I'll start with dirty feet!! It's amazing how dirty our feet have gotten this week. The hot temperatures force everyone here to wear flip flops or some sort of sandals. Sand and red clay-like dirt replace the neat lawns and carpeted floors we would see in the states. It is inside every place we've been and follows us everywhere we go. Despite the fact that we swept and mopped multiple times today, there was still a thin layer of dirt on the clinic floor when we left. It's just life in the desert. Our feet our NEVER clean!!
I think I posted a picture earlier of several of our feet after a long day of work. Some of us think we've gotten a great tan only to realize it washes off in the shower (too bad), but our dirty feet have caused me to reflect on the real meaning of Jesus' humble act before his death and resurrection. John 13:5-20 tell the story of Jesus washing his disciples' feet; a mineal task in America alone where we wear nice shoes and socks and pay people to paint our toenails. But THIS WEEK; ah, this week I have come to realize how exponentially humiliating such a task would have been in a place like this; a place where people where flip flops or walk barefoot all day along dirt roads, working in dirt fields, and living in dirt-floored homes. How much more meaningful it must have been to the disciples that Jesus, their KING, their MESSIAH, would lower Himself to such a place as to wash the dirtiest part of their bodies.
How thankful I am tonight, that Jesus has washed the dirtiest part of MY body; my heart. I find a calm assurance in Hebrews 10:22-23...
"Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil concience and our bodies washed in pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hop without wavering, for He who promised is faithful!"
I hope and pray that my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ has sprinkled your heart clean by the power of His blood. If not, I sure would LOVE to share with you how easy it is to LET Him him clean you out from your heart to your dirty feet! I have learned this week, that there is NO foot too dirty for Jesus to wash and no heart too filthy for Him to sprinkle clean!!


Even though we put in a FULL 7 hours today in 115 degree weather, most of which was finishing windows and doors OUTSIDE, we FINISHED the school and the clinic!! Take a look at the before and after.