Thursday, June 25, 2009

king's island

We're headed to King's Island NEXT WEEK!! For those of you who are signed up to go here are some things you don't want to forget.

It costs $55.00 (covers your hotel and ticket)
Plus you'll need spending money for food...
Wednesday night we'll be eating at Dave & Busters (a grown up version of Chuck E Cheese).
Thursday we'll have free breakfast at the hotel, lunch at the park and supper on the way home.

We WILL NOT be going to the water park portion of King's Island, but there IS a pool at the hotel if you want to take a dip Wednesday night.

We're leaving TCBC at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, July 1st. Be there by 11:45 so we can pack up the van and ONLY bring ONE bag (that you could comfortably hold in your lap if you needed to).

Call us if you have more questions....270-528-1091!!

Can't wait!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


We had a little trouble showing this at church this morning (technical difficulties). But here it is. Enjoy!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Last full day at Crossings 09

Another year at camp is over! This post will be mostly pictures since I'm too tired type still. I think everyone had a great time. Highlights of the last day are the boat race, Bible study group relay race, and the missions offering. Our boat (made by Shawna and driven by the Rafferty brothers) actually finished the race for the first time in TCBC history...not near the front, but finished it none the less. Our group really stepped up on the mission offering giving $380.00 to help children in Zambia. The whole camp gave $3800.15 for the week, which means that our group chipped in 10% of the total. I was impressed! I know the group grew in Christ and started to develop ways to go "beyond" for the Kingdom of the Lord. If you want to know more about going BEYOND you can visit

Group boat photo (minus the people that ran off)

Ben and Paul (in the back kicking) during the race

Boat creator and the drivers
Molly and Abby during the relay race

Hannah Logsdon finding a Bible verse during the relay race

Justin finishing the relay race for his team

Ben (probably looking for a cute girl)

Hannah and Brianna

Abby pushing a tennis ball (with her face) in the mud pit

Dara Jo and Abby

Dara Jo after a long day in the mud

Listening to children in Zambia

Hannah, Baylee, and June heading to Pirates Cover

Luke and Justin join the girls for the adventure

Molly asked us to do this...really.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 3

Three days have gone by (already!) and all of the kids are having a great time. There is not a youth minister in the world that has as good a group as this. Thanks for letting us have them for a week. We are about to go to the worship center so that they can connect with a group of kids in Zambia and sing songs together via webcam. When they see those children in Zambia they may have a better understading of who "the least of these" are that Jesus speaks about. Maybe some things will be put into perspective. And now the photos!

Dara on the slip and slide
Shawna would pay for her slip and slide with some bruises!


Dustin was soooo tired after team building and trying to carry 3 other people

Team building!

Go Eli go!

Lets just say he didn't get far

June carried as many people as Justin
(and she let him know about it too)

Paul flying via a Dustin blob!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 2!

It has been a great week at camp so far! We have been wet most of the time...BUT that has not prevented us from doing ANY of our activities so far. The main focus this week is discovering what your passion is, who you have a burden for, and what vision God has given you to combine all of that into a great work for His kingdom. I know these kids are ready to step up and make an impact in their community and the world as a whole. Now to the pics!
Team building!

Baylee taking flight!

Shawna walking on air

Megan and Eli

Eli was "it" during Pool Games

Who invited the Hulk to camp?

Monday, June 15, 2009

day one

We arrived safely at camp yesterday and only 15 minutes late!! That's a record for Doug and I (hehe). I think we spent a little too long at Cici's pizza on the way here. Anyway, last night we had opening celebration and the kids got to meet their Bible study groups and leaders. Then we just hung out together in our rooms. Most of them whooped Doug in Connect Four and Luke conned a few of them into playing spades with him (he didn't tell them how good he was).

Day one is almost done =) Everyone is having a good time! We had lot's that climbed the tower and several that went tubing on the lake today. And even though it rained nearly the ENTIRE day, we made the best of it and had a good time. The large group extreme soccer game was interesting in the MUD!!
Here are some pictures!! I'll post more tomorrow.

Our church group time last night!!

Will Doug EVER grow up?
(you don't have to answer that, I already know)

Breanna was a little weary about climbing, but she made it to the top!!

Luke and Ben playing bball!

Paul had to sing "I'm a little teapot before they would let him down.

The super extreme large group soccer game!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

camp is SUNDAY =)

We leave for Crossings @ the Creek on Sunday!! Make sure you are at church by 10:15-10:30 to pack up the van!! Also, your parents can check this blog for updates and pictures DURING camp!