Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Night Live - GAME NIGHTS!

The hunt for the Great Red Pumpkin was an amazing time! Thanks to all the teams that showed up and made it the most epic hunt yet! Now I have to start thinking about how to top it next year.

As most of you know, we have been having "game nights" during Sunday Night Live. There are points given out to each participtant every game. There will be a gift basket for the winner as well as other prizes! If you haven't been to one yet, don't worry you can make up ground fast. Paul missed the first 3 games, yet he almost caught up with pack in only two games this week!

After 2 weeks the standings are (starting with last place):

Paul - 19
Natalie M. - 19.5
Eli - 19.5
Mary - 22
June - 24
Hannah - 30
Megan - 33
Breanna - 35
Kaleb - 36
Shawna - 36
Natalie S. - 39
Justin - 46

Monday, October 19, 2009

GREAT RED PUMPKIN HUNT (and other info)

Ok people, tent revival is over and it is time to get YOUTH going full blast again. If you missed Sunday Night Live on 10/19, you missed a great night of games. These games were the kickoff to a month and a half long contest. Each Sunday night we will play games that give each player an opportunity to win points that will be added each week to your personal total. At the end of the gaming season there will be prizes passed out to the top 3. ALSO, if you missed Sunday night, you also missed a clue that could help you during the GREAT RED PUMPKIN HUNT!

Speaking of the GREAT RED PUMPKIN HUNT, you need to have your teams together and find a driver before Wednesday night youth! If you are having problems finding a team or a diver let me know and I will help you out! I can say with confidence that this will be the most difficult pumpkin hunt of all time! As always, $cash$ prizes for the winners!

So, mark you calendars for this week:
Wednesday @ 6:00 - YOUTH
Sunday @ 6:00 - Sunday Night Live